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What should I pay attention to when using automatic magnetic ring winding machine?

  • 来源:广东君益智能科技有限公司
  • 发布日期:2024-03-25
  • 访问量:1002 次
  • 所属栏目:FAQs

Today, let's talk about some matters needing attention in the use of the equipment.

1. When using the automatic winding machine, do a good job in safety protection, such as safety glasses and labor protection shoes. There are no special protection requirements for operating our machine, and the equipment will not produce strong light. Wearing glasses is to avoid small particles from popping up during the operation of the machine.

2. In order to avoid being pinched by mechanical moving parts and participating in moving parts, when operating the automatic winding machine, pay attention to wearing appropriate clothes, don't wear too loose clothes, tie long hair, and wear a working cap when necessary to avoid moving parts getting involved in clothes or hair.

3. When using automatic winding machine, don't touch the switch of equipment or the internal parts of mechanical equipment with oil and water to avoid electric shock.

4. When using automatic winding machine, be familiar with the function and position of each switch. When an accident happens, you should have a correct operation idea, don't panic, and press the machine stop button.

5. Please work within the mechanical capacity. It is forbidden to overload the automatic winding machine. For different products, the production speed of the machine is different, which is determined by the characteristics of the product. For example, thick lines are more laborious than thin lines, or thin lines are too easy to break. The operation of the machine needs to be set according to the characteristics of the product. Do not directly turn on the maximum speed of the machine.

6. The automatic winding machine should be kept dry, and the requirements of the machine for dust-free are not high, but dust will affect the service life of the moving parts and electronic components of the machine, so the production environment of the machine should be kept clean.

7, automatic winding machine in production, set up the program, the operator to form the habit of timely preservation.

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